أخبار عاجلة

 UAE Professional League motivates fans with different nationalities to attend matches

Dubai. Ahmed Youssef

The UAE Professional League continued its tours among fans and football lovers, to motivate them to attend the matches in the stadiums.

The “Trend of the Crowd” program toured the audience with different nationalities, residents and visitors, to introduce them to the league clubs, and invite them to attend the matches.

The program, which is broadcast on the league’s social media platforms, was interested in conducting interviews with European, Asian and African residents, to know more about their information about the ADNOC League and UAE clubs.

The League asked the participants questions about the league stars with different nationalities, and gave them prizes and invitations to attend the matches and encourage the teams and their stars.

The League thanked the fans who chose to support their teams from the field, stressing that the fans are the spirit of the league.

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